The TRUTH about Calcium

Why Calcium Doesn't Help Back Pain

When your back hurts almost every normal action becomes a real effort. You can't just ignore the pain and discomfort that serious back pain causes.

Maybe you have tried several ways to get rid of the back pain that is ruining you life.
Your doctor may have you taking large doses of Calcium because he thinks the Calcium will "build your bones" back to a more healthy state.

Both you and your doctor may believe that bones are made of mostly calcium. But the fact is you have believed The Calcium Lie. 

Don't fell bad because most consumers and, yes, even most doctors, believe that bones are made mostly of calcium. Any basic course in biochemistry will tell you much differently. Bones are made of at least a dozen different minerals and all of them are necessary in order to have healthy bones and healthy bodies. 

If you take in more calcium than you should, through food sources or by supplements, you open yourself up for any number of negative health problems. These could include the following.

  • obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Type 2 hypothyroidism
  • hypertension
  • depression
  • problem pregnanancies 

The second edition of The Calcium Lie is updated, expanded and contains an even greater in-depth explanation of the medical problems caused by mineral imbalances. The book contains effective strategies to correct those problems. This book will give you all the information you need to stay healthy and to regain your health, eve if you or your doctor have been misled by The Calcium Lie.

About the Author of The Calcium Lie

Dr. Robert Thompson practices wellness and anti-aging medicine in Soldotna and Anchorage, Alaska. He has been a leader in medical advances throughout his career or more than 30 years. He has a great passion for helping his patients find their way back to health through replacing and balancing minerals, improved nutrition, correction of thyroid and adrenal problems and trans-mucosal bioidentical hormone replacement

This book is available FREE at Healthy Back Institute. A typical review is reproduced below.

Amazon Review:

Should be required reading for all doctors
ByAnthony Websteron April 29, 2017
Format: Paperback
I'm a medical doctor who is dedicated to helping my patients uncover and correct the root causes of disease, and so is Dr. Thompson. The information in this book is fundamental, with implications so far-reaching that it should be the starting point from which doctors approach treating any new patient. This book gives the reader, whether you are a doctor treating patients or someone with little to no medical background who is seeking to understand and restore your own health, specific instructions on how to test for and treat the most common conditions that I see every day, from gastrointestinal (GI) complaints to osteoarthritis (OA) and the all too common triad of adrenal suppression (fatigue), clinical hypothyroidism (slowed metabolism) and insulin resistance (hypoglycemia).

I tell all of my patients to read this book, and it should be required reading in every human physiology course as well as for every allopathic (MD), osteopathic (DO) and naturopathic (ND) medical student.